Competitions & Image Rules 2024/25


Images entered into a Club competition should not have been entered into a previous Barnstaple Club competition. Images entered into a “Fun Event” should be new to the club, and can be used in any future club competitions.

1. Images Entered into a Competition or Fun Event will be digital only “Unless Stated Otherwise”.
2. The “Photographer of the Year” and “ Members Team Battle” events will be scored out of 20 points. All other competitions event, judges winning images, will be graded into “Gold”, “Silver”, “Bronze” and a small selection of “Commended” images. The judge will also have the options of select one or two “Judges Award Images”.
3. All competition events images with be critique by an external judge. Members can choose to have their competition images non-graded; with no award being allocated. All images submitted into a “scoring points” event will be scored by the judge.
4. Reserve Image competitions. A reserve image cannot be entered into the “Buy A Subject” or “Photographer of the Year” events. Reserve images must be marked as follows: “R Image Title-Mxx.jpg”. Reserve images may be dropped if the total number of images per competition exceeds the allocated judge’s time. A reserve image, if dropped, can be used in a future club competition.
5. Apart from the Monochrome Competition, colour, colour popping or mono images are accepted in every competition or Fun Event.

Competition Definitions:

Open Print & Open Digital Monochrome (same evening).
Maximum 3 images, one of which must be marked as your reserve - see 3 above.
Open Print: - any subject but must be mounted on mount board 50 by 40 cm.
Open Mono: - DPI’s. Any subject, but monochrome only. Colour “popping” not allowed on the image.
o Submitting 3 images, then three in the Open Print and none in the Digital Mono, or vice versa.
o Submitting 3 images, then two in the Open Print and one in the Digital Mono, or vice versa.
o Submitting 2 images, then two into the Open Print or two into the Digital Mono, or alternatively one in each.
o Submitting 1 image, you have the choice of entering this image into the Open Print or Digital Mono.

Street & Creative Digital Only (same evening).
Maximum 3 images, one of which must be marked as your reserve - see 3 above.
Creative image: - defined as showing an “Artistic Bent” or an “Alternative Reality” in the image.
Street - All aspects on Street Photography with People
o Submitting 3 images, then three in the Creative and none in the Street, or vice versa.
o Submitting 3 images, then two in the Creative and one in the Street, or vice versa.
o Submitting 2 images, then two into the Creative or two into the Street, or alternatively one in each.
o Submitting 1 image, you have the choice of entering this image into the Creative or the Street.
Members Creative Ideas document available on our web page - Password Protected. Click Here
Members Team Battle Digital Only
Up to a maximum of 3 images per team member, followed by a selection process by the team and team co-ordinator. This is an “Open Subject” event, in which your image(s) could be a straight from the camera shot, or manipulated in software, or creative in the camera or with software, or both! Submitted images should have not be used in any previous Barnstable Competition. Team members are selected randomly from the hat. The judge will score each images out of 20 points.

Open & Scape Digital Only (same evening).
Maximum 3 images, one of which must be marked as your reserve - see 3 above.
Open Image: - defined as any subject but must not be defined as a Scape image.
Scape Image: - defined as open vista with Sky, Urban, Sea, or Land as the main subject.
o Submitting 3 images, then three in the Open and none in Scape event, or vice versa.
o Submitting 3 images, then two in the Open and one in the Scape event, or vice versa.
o Submitting 2 images, then two into the Open or two into the Scape event, or alternatively one in each.
o Submitting 1 image, you have the choice of entering this image into the Open or Scape event.

Buy A Subject (Maximum 3 images).
• Buy a Subject(s) are picked from the hat - £1.00 per subject or £2.00 for three subjects.
• You must use the subject for the title of the image, e.g.: If you pick “Blue Sky” as your subject, then the image title will be Blue Sky-Mxx.jpg. Enter more than one image using your “Blue Sky” subject then titles become Blue Sky 1-Mxx.jpg, Blue Sky 2-Mxx.jpg.
• By purchasing more than one subject you can combine images/subject e.g.: 3 images - 1 subject only, OR 2 images - 1 subject & 1 image on another subject, OR 3 images - 3 separate subjects.

Photographer of the Year
The Judge will score each image out of 20.
Five images (or less). Up to five different subjects selected from the following:
• Close up (Cu) - From about a flower size to macro as you like.
• Landscape (L) – "Open Vista” with Sky, Sea, Land or Urban as the main subject.
• Movement (M) – Image portraying movement in the image.
• People (Pe) – Portraits, candid’s, normal or working habitat.
• Sport (S) – Showing sports event, with or without movement.
• Creative / Arty /Alternative Reality (Cr) – Image showing an “Artistic Bent” or “Alternative Reality”.
• Architecture (A) – Including parts of buildings or structures.
• Animals (An) - Domestic pets or wild animals, not human.
• Nature (N) – No pets, humans or cultivated plants, or images with an obvious artistic treatment. Only images where live organisms are the primary subject(s). Can include subjects in controlled environment conditions such as a zoo, game parks, botanic gardens, aquariums and manmade enclosures. Scientific bands, tags and collar are permissible. Cropping, correction of colour or exposure, reduction of noise, dodging/burning, HDR, focus stacking, sharpening and cloning of distractive elements in the image are acceptable.
Note: "Quirky/comic titles" acceptable but may result in a lower scoring from the judge!
• Photo Travel (Pt) – Images should express the characteristics, culture or environment of the land and its people. Images from any arranged, organised, hired or photographic event or trips are NOT permitted. Adding, relocating, replacing, and removing elements from the original image is NOT permitted. Other derivations, including infrared NOT permitted. Allowable adjustments will be - removal of sensor dust, digital noise, restoration of the original scene, complete conversion to monochrome and cropping of the image is permissible. All adjustments must appear natural to the original image taken by the camera lens.
Note: See specific “Image Title Format” for the “Photographer of the Year” images.

Club Fun Events:
• Includes, “UB The Judge”, “Members Talks” and any previous years Fun Events.
• Images submitted for any Fun Event should be new to the Club.
• Images entered into a Fun Event, from this year, or from any previous year, that has not already been entered into a club event, can be used in any future club competition.


Digital Projected Image (DPI) Format and Size
o Landscape Format maximum 1600(w) by 1200(h) pixels.
o Square Format maximum 1200(w) by 1200(h) pixels.
o Portrait format maximum 1200(h). The width should not exceed 1600(w) pixels.
• You do not need a canvas around your image to make up the above sizes.
• Colour spec = sRGB. File Format = jpg.
• When saving your image as a jpg, use maximum quality setting.
Submitting DPI Images - Image File Title Format:
Note: To help the administration process please use the file name separation character “-“and not the “_” (underscore) as in previous image entries.
• File name format - “Title-Mxx.jpg” where Mxx is your membership number: e.g. The Tree-M06.jpg.
• Reserve images files titles should be in the format: “R Title-Mxx.jpg”.
• Membership numbers below 10, should include the zeroes, e.g. M01, M02, etc....
• For the “Photographer Of the Year” event, the file name title format changes to the following:
“(X) Title-Mxx.jpg”, where “(X)” is the subject of the image, e.g: (Cu) for Close Up, (An) Animals, (L) Landscape, etc.. Example: “(L) The Lone Tree-M02.jpg”.
Submitting Prints:
• On the back of the mount board, print the image title e.g. “The Car Race”. There is no need to include your membership number.
• Each print images submitted must be accompanied by a digital version of the image. Title format of this digital image “Title-Mxx.jpg”. For example, “The Car Race-M09.jpg.” See “Digital Projected Image (DPI) Format and Size” above, on submitting DPI Image.
Mounts and Printed Images
• Mounts size - 50 by 40 cm only.
• Print image within the mount can be any size providing of course it fits within the mount!
• Mounts colours – “judge’s preferences” tends towards white, off-white, cream, or black.
DO NOT use masking tape to attached printed image to mount. This type of tape can peel off damaging member’s prints and/or mounts within the print box.
DO NOT use “easily removed” sticky labels on the mount. These can peel off damaging member’s prints and/or mounts within the print box.
• Write image title on the back of mount (suggest pencil).
• With abstract prints, mark which way is up, with an arrow, on back of mount.

Competition Guidelines & Image Rules Download 2024 - 25