Summer Quiz 2024 - Winning Team


Congratulations to the winning team led by Colin (his 4th win in a row I think).
I must charge him more for supplying the answers before the quiz !!!!!!

Pat Malek - Leaving The Club


As mentioned by Bob at the end of the AGM minutes Pat has decided not to renew her membership next season. We are verry sorry to see her go but as we all grow older we find it harder to do the things we enjoy. We wish Pat and her husband Herbert all the best for the future.
Pat sent this lovely picture of the Barnstaple Camera Club Annual dinner taken in 2012, showing a number of our current members as well as those who have left the club or sadly have passed on.

Success For Jen


Jen has had an excellent result in the South West Coastal Path Photographer of the Year competition where she was the section winner in both the Nature Category with her image "Gannet View, Storm Isha, West Cornwall" and in the Your Path Category for her image "Milky Way over Gwennap Head"
Jen's images together with winners in other categories are in the centre of the North Devon Gazette of 7th April
Well Done Jen

Presentation to Peter Fry


WCPF interclub digital competition. A Highly Commended certificate presented to Peter from Andy for his "Lavender Waves" image.

Christmas Quiz 2023 Winning Team


The 5 members of the winning team and Steve the quizmaster. Colin's team has now won 3 times in a row What does that tell you ????

Success for Jen


Jen has had more success with an article about her photography published by Photoplus as a Photostory.
Well Done Jen

Click here to read article..

Nigel Childs's Success


Well done to Nigel Childs whose image "Heads Up" was runner up in the Alfred Vowles Photographic Competition 2023

Chairman Presenting Jen with her WCPF Members Exhibition Award


Jen receives a WCPF Members exhibition Highly Commended for her Image "A Glimpse of Light" in the Colour Digital Class
Well Done Jen.

Chairman presenting Jane with WCPF Member's Exhibition Award


Jane receives her award for her image "After You Mate" which was Highly Commended in the Colour Digital Class
Well Done Jane

Jen has published Article in "Photoplus" The Canon Magazine


Jen has had an article about her photography and kit published in Photoplus The Canon magazine.
A very well done to Jen.
The link below will take you to the article

Jen's Article in Photoplus The Canon Magazine

Article published by kind permission of "Photoplus" The Canon magazine

Bob receives his awards


Chairman presents Bob with his Selectors Award from the Inter Club print competition for his image "Caracaras feeding on a seal flipper"
and a Highly Commended for his image "Experienced Turkey Vulture Asserts Superiority in the Knighthayes "Decisive Moment" competition

Sue achieves her BPE 1* Award


Chairman presents Sue with her BPE1* Award Certificate, for 25 acceptances in British Photographic Exhibitions Salons. Congratulations and well Done Sue.

Ron achieves BPE1* Award


Chairman presents Ron with his BPE1* Award Certificate, for 25 acceptances in British Photographic Exhibitions Salons. Congratulations and well Done Ron.

BPE1* Qualification for Steve Batchelor


Congratulations to Steve for achieving his BPE1* Qualification.

WCPF 2022 Members Exhibition


Club successes for Jane, Sue, Jen, Trish & Bob from the WCPF 2022 Members Exhibition. A total of 23 acceptances, with Sue, Jane, Jen and Bob receiving certificates. Jane & Sue were on hand to pick up the certificates at The Bovey Tracey Golf Club. Well done to all.

Andy Francis gets his BPE1* award.


Congratulation to Andy Francis who achieved his BPE1* award - 25 accepted images into the BPE exhibitions salons.