(Formally Barnstaple Camera Club)

Home Page

OUR club offers a warm and friendly welcome, not only to the more experienced photographer, but to those who just want to improve their photographic skills and get the very best out of their camera or from their images. We have a full programme of lectures, fun events, competitions, practical's and the opportunity to just get out with your camera with like-minded individuals throughout the North Devon region. We have a mix of genders within the club, with abilities that vary from the “point and shoot” to the more sophisticated digital camera users. With a range of knowledge, skills, and abilities we can advise on cameras, computers, and software to get the very best from your camera images.

FOR the winter period (September to April), we meet each Thursday evening 7.30 pm at the Methodist Church Hall Rhododendron Ave Barnstaple. Click here for the location map, and here for the Winter Programme
FOR our Summer Activities Click Here Summer Activities
FEES. New, or any rejoining members £25 for each half of our Winter Programme. So, why not just try us out before committing to a full Winter season. Thereafter, future membership is £70/year, which covers both the Winter and Summer club events, as well as any in house training. Organized club trips to Lundy Island, Wildlife Centre, Local Events, etc. may well incur additional costs. Tea, coffee and biscuits available when meeting in the hall, nominal cost 50p. Try us out, there is no charge for your first visit.

Over the next 12 months the club will be changing the current name to "Barnstaple Photographic Club". You may see both names during this transitional period.

Click the “Contact Us” if you requre further information.

Thank you for visiting our website. © Images Copyright of Authors.